

歌手: 所属专辑: 词: 曲:
歌词编辑:91歌词网 发布时间:2025-03-13 本歌词有849个文字,大小约为3KB,预计阅读时间3分钟。

1. "I was born to play. This is what I live for."

2. "You can't crush a soul here. That's what life on Earth is for."

3. "Lost souls are obsessed by something that disconnects them from life."

4. "Lost souls are not that different from those in the zone. The zone is enjoyable. But when that joy becomes an obsession, one becomes disconnected from life."

5. "Life is sad and pathetic and you are working so hard to get back to it. Why?!"

6. "My life was meaningless. I'm just afraid that if I died today my life would have amounted to nothing."

7. "Music is all I think about. From the moment I wake up in the morning to the moment I fall asleep at night."

8. "You life is sad and pathetic and you are working so hard to get back to it. Why?!""Is All This Living Really Worth Dying For?"

9. "I'm just afraid that if I died today , that my life would've amounted to nothing."

10. "Some people just can't let go of their own anxieties and obsessions, leaving them lost and disconnected from life."

11. "But when that joy becomes an obsession,one becomes disconnected from life."

12. "Allright,let’strysomethin’else. Fromthetop.Ready.One,two,three."

13. "Stayonthebe斯管 Okay,sheforgothersax.Andnow,allyou,Connie. Goforit! Waytogo! Hangon,hangon.Whatarey'alllaughingat?"

14. "This isnt the great beyond.its the great before."

15. "Forgetting the trauma of childbirth is one of the great gifts of the universe."

16. "别担心,灵魂是压不死的,生活才会压垮你."

17. "I 'm just afraid that if I died today , that my life would've amounted to nothing."

18. "所有的新的心灵都会在这里,塑造独特的个性和兴趣,随后再前往地球"

19. "关于地球所有的一切我都知道了"

20. "如果有个地方可以改变命运,你是否愿意一键重启人生?"

21. "从来没有谁让我愿意开始生活"

22. "我生来就要演奏,这是我活着的意义"

23. "生活要有目标,但我们不是为了目标而生活。"

24. "生之来处,死之彼岸。"

25. "如果快乐变成了执念,灵魂就会脱离当下的生活。"

26. "有的人就是放不下自己的焦虑和执念,以至于他们迷失自我与人生脱节。"

27. "人生充满各种可能性,你只需要找到方向。"

28. "灵魂是不死的,只有生活才能压垮你。"

29. "每个人拥有的时间都是短暂而有效的,展现最为闪耀,热情,最真实的你吧!"



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