
I Will Always Love You(张信哲)歌词

歌手:张信哲 所属专辑:永远挚爱 词:Dolly Parton 曲:Dolly Parton
歌词编辑:就要歌词网 发布时间:2021-05-27 本歌词有824个文字,大小约为3KB,预计阅读时间3分钟。

I Will Always Love You歌词

I Will Always Love You - 张信哲 (Jeff Chang)

词:Dolly Parton

曲:Dolly Parton

My love I know that I'll always love you

I said these words the very first time when I met you

We've been together now for many long years

And I still keep saying these same words to you

I love you I love you

Cause you were always there when I needed you most

I love you I love you

You gave me strength you gave me hope

And you gave me all your love

Darling I know there'll never be another you

In my life you're only one for me that I know

I'll never stop saying these words to you

I like to thank you for your love and this is for you

I love you I love you

Cause you were always there when I needed you most

I love you I love you

You gave me strength you gave me hope

And you gave me all your love

I love you I love you

Cause you were always there when I needed you most

I love you I love you

You gave me strength you gave me hope

And you gave me all your love

I love you I love you

Cause you were always there when I needed you most

I love you I love you

You gave me strength you gave me hope

And you gave me all your love

I Will Always Love You歌词翻译

亲爱的 我知道我会永远爱你




我爱你 我爱你

当我最需要你的时候 你永远在我身边

我爱你 我爱你

你给我力量 给我希望


亲爱的 我知道你是独一无二的




I Will Always Love You歌词评论

  • 橘子味的皇帝柑:这首歌我非常非常喜欢,旋律优美,节奏轻快,阿哲的嗓音清澈干净,听的时候会不自觉合着拍子,愉悦的心情从心底洋溢出来。
  • 繁华落烬命如戏:这么多年听起来还是那种离别中夹杂不舍和无可奈何花落去的感觉
  • 纤羽翩跹:好听好听棒棒哒 爱他
  • 下弦月:太迷人,性感得要命。
  • 爱丽丝米勒安娜:张信哲唱得这首英文歌曲,曲风欢快好听,让人听得感觉到很甜蜜浪漫,我最爱听这种类型歌曲
  • 如影相随:感觉应该把这首歌学会,然后,向他表白
  • 养只猫叫可皇:一首英文歌配上比较复古的中国式伴奏,值得一听在听,真的好好听!这首是阿哲所有的英文歌里比较偏爱的一首。
  • 孤烟起:好中式的英文歌,喜欢


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